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Child protection Program

This project will provide food, tuition fees, school uniforms, stationary and counseling to 100 orphaned children (0-17 years) and living with HIV/AIDS, helping them improve on their quality of life and receive quality education. These children are total orphans who have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS, are poor, malnourished, and have no access to basic needs to support their health and education.



An estimated 1.5 million people live with HIV/AIDS in Uganda, of whom nearly 100,000 are children under 15, according to UNAIDS. Katakwi district currently has over 500 children receiving HIV medication. The majority of them have lost both or one parent to HIV/AIDS, they are poor, malnourished and cannot afford nutritious food or meet their basic school requirements. This has made these children either abandon taking their medications all together or drop out of school to fend for their needs.


The project will provide nutritious foods, tuition fees and other basic school requirements to 100 total orphans living with HIV/AIDs. Each target child will on a monthly basis receive 10 Kg of nutritious flour (mix of soya, and millet) for porridge, 15 Kgs of Maize flour, 5 Kgs of Beans, 1 litre of cooking oil.
Besides, the project will pay the tuition fees, provide school uniform and other scholastic materials to each of the children every school term. Counseling will be provided to the children.



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Voice for Humanity Uganda

The mission of voice for humanity is to become a source of hope, healing and empowerment for  women and girls through Livelihood, Health and Educational programs


Phone: +256 774 803086/706 316964

Registered Charity:  Yes

Our Main Partners

  • Go Campaign

  • Children’s Rights and Violence Prevention Fund (CRVPF)

  • AmplifyChange Fund

  • Jon and Helen Dach

  • GlobalGiving-USA

  • AdjumaniKikuube & Katakwi District Local Government

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